Major Declaration

Student Dancer

Student Dancer

A major is a coordinated group of upper-division courses (courses numbered 100-199) in a field of specialization. All majors contain a minimum of 36 units of upper-division courses, although the number of required units in each major varies.

The College of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences offers three different types of majors:

The Interdisciplinary majors in the College of Humanities Arts and Social Sciences are:

Asian Studies
Ethnic Studies
Gender and Sexual Studies
Global Studies
Latin American Studies
Liberal Studies

Media and Cultural Studies
Middle East and Islamic Studies
Native American Studies
Public Policy
Religious Studies
Sustainability Studies

Reasons to Choose an Interdisciplinary Major

Interdisciplinary majors examine a topic by taking courses from a broad range of disciplines such as Economics, English literature, History, Political Science, Media and Culture Studies, and others to gain the needed insights into trends.

Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences Interdisciplinary Major (Individualized major) offer courses of broad interest, and students with interests not readily satisfied through existing departments and programs may develop individual majors under the direction of special faculty sponsors. The consent of the Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences Interdisciplinary Program Committee and the associate dean are required. The title of the major will be entered on the official degree list and on the official transcript. Diplomas will read “Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences Interdisciplinary” with the individual field of concentration specified.

What is a minor?

The College of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences offers minor programs; however, no student is required to take a minor. Minors are not degree-granting majors; they are sequences of supplemental courses designed to enhance work in certain areas. For instance, you might want to go to Law school and decide to major in English and then minor in Philosophy to further enhance your critical thinking skills. Minors in the college shall consist of no less than 16 and no more than 28 units of organized upper-division coursework.

Major Declaration

Explore all of the majors and minors offered in CHASS on the Advisors, Majors, & Minors page!

The minimum criterion to declare any major is good academic standing and a 2.0 or better GPA in the major. An incoming freshman may declare a major without meeting the criteria listed below if they declare the major prior to the third week of their incoming quarter. This may be done either through the Office of Admissions or through MyUCR (with the exception of the Business Administration major). After the third week, in order to declare a major, the criteria for major declaration must be met. Some majors in our college are selective and require the completion of specific criteria prior to major declaration. For specific information regarding requirements and course descriptions for each major check the General Catalog. All Undeclared students must declare their major in the quarter in which they obtain 90 units—end of sophomore year.

Anthropology/Law and Society
Good academic standing
Art (Studio) Good academic standing and electronic submission of portfolio (see link for details)
Art History
Art History/Religious Studies
Good academic standing
Asian Studies Good academic standing
Business Administration All general business pre-requisites, lower division business requirements and breadth courses (except foreign language and ENGL 1C or BUS 100W) must be completed. Students must apply to Business Administration by the time 90 units have been completed. A cumulative GPA of 2.7 is required with a minimum 2.5 GPA in all of the separate areas for acceptance.
Chinese Good academic standing
Classical Studies Good academic standing
Comparative Ancient Civilizations Good academic standing
Comparative Literature Good academic standing
Creative Writing Recommended, but not required: ENGL 1A and CRWT 56
Dance Recommended, but not required: DNCE 014
Business Economics
Economics/Law and Society
Economics/Administrative Studies
Good academic standing
Recommended completion of lower division Economics class with a minimum grade of C- and placement in an appropriate math pathway.
English Good academic standing
English 1A-B-C with at least a 2.0 GPA.
Recommend at least one lower division course from English 20A-B-C; minimum grade of C.
Ethnic Studies
African American Studies
Asian American Studies
Chicano/a Studies
Native American Studies
Good academic standing
French Good academic standing
Gender and Sexuality Studies Good academic standing
Germanic Studies Good academic standing
Global Studies Good academic standing and GBST 1 or 2 with a C- or better.
History/Law and Society
History/Administrative Studies
Good academic standing and two History courses with a grade of C or better.
Humanities and Social Sciences Must meet with Prof. Theda Shapiro for information prior to approval.
Language Good academic standing
Latin American Studies Upper division students must have completed the Major language requirement.
Liberal Studies Good academic standing
Linguistics Good academic standing
Media and Cultural Studies Good academic standing and MCS 001 with a C- or better.
Music Recommended, but not required: MUS 1, MUS 30A-B-C
Neuroscience See:
Philsophy/Law and Society
Good academic standing
Political Science
Political Science/Law and Society
Political Science/International Affairs
Good academic standing
Political Science/Administrative Studies
Political Science/Public Service
Good academic standing and a minimum 2.7 GPA
Psychology/Law and Society
Complete PSYC 1, 2, & 11 (lower division requirements) with a letter grade of C- or better, but no lower than a C average. MATH 4, 5 or 6A with a C- or better. Good academic standing for last 2 quarters.
Public Policy Good academic standing, complete PBPL 1 with a grade of "C-" or better.
Religious Studies Good academic standing
Russian Studies Good academic standing
Sociology/Administrative Studies
Sociology/Law and Society
SOC 1, 3, 4, 5 and one lower division SOC course with a C- or better. Good academic standing.
Spanish Good academic standing
Sustainability Studies Good academic standing
Theatre, Film and Digital Production Good academic standing

Careful planning and specific course selection is necessary in order to meet the criteria for the selective majors in the College. For specific information regarding requirements and course descriptions for each major, check the UCR General Catalog.

Selective Majors
The CHASS Selective Majors handout can be found here or below: Art

By admission only. Requires the submission of an Art Portfolio. Admission is approved or denied by a faculty panel.

Economics, Business Economics, and Econimics Administrative Studies

0-45 Units: MATH 6A or MATH 5 or higher with a C- or better. 46-90 Units: MATH 6B or MATH 5 or higher with a C- or better and ECON 2 and ECON 3 with a C- or better.

Global Studies
Must complete GBST 001 or 002 with a C- or better.
History, History/Administrative Studies, History/Law and Society
Must complete two History courses with a C or better.
Media and Cultural Studies Requirements
Must complete MCS 001 with a C- or better.
See the information on the following link:
Psychology, Psychology/Law and Society
See the information on the following link:
Public Policy
Must complete PBPL 1 with a grade of "C-" or better.

Sociology, Sociology/Administrative Studies, Sociology/Law and Society Students will not be admitted into the major until lower-division requirements are satisfied with a “C-” or better:

SOC 3 (prerequisite: SOC 1)
SOC 4 (prerequisite: SOC 1)
SOC 5 (prerequisites: SOC 1 and SOC 4)
One additional lower-division Sociology course (courses numbered 1-99)

Business Administration (Not a freshman admitting major—freshman admit to Pre-Business Program)

Students must apply to Business Administration by the time 90 units have been completed. A cumulative GPA of 2.7 is required with a minimum 2.5 GPA in the combined GPA of General Business Prerequisites and lower division Business requirements. See the Pre-Business section for detailed course information.

You've decided on a major/minor—Now what?

Major Courses that Introduce the Major
African American Studies ETST 3
Anthropology ANTH 1 or ANTH 2 or ANTH 5
Anthropology/ Law and Society ANTH 1 or ANTH 2 or PHIL 7
Art (Studio) ART 6 or ART 1 or ART 2
Art History AHS 17A, AHS 17B or AHS 17C
Art History/Administrative Studies AHS 17A, AHS 17B or AHS 17C, Math 4
Art History/Religious Studies AHS 15, RLST 7 or RLST 10
Asian American Studies ETST 5
Asian Literatures and Cultures check with advisor
Asian Studies AST 45E
Business Economics ECON 2 or ECON 3, Math 5
Chicano Studies ETST 2 or ETST 4
Classical Studies CLA 10A, CLA 10B or CLA10C
Communications Studies check with advisor
Comparative Ancient Civilizations ANTH 3 or CPLT 17A
Comparative Literature CPLT 15
Creative Writing CRWT 56
Dance DNCE 14 or 19
Economics ECON 2 or ECON 3, Math 5
Economics/Administrative Studies ECON 2 or ECON 3, Math 4
Economics/Law and Society ECON 2 or ECON 3, MATH 4
English ENGL20A, ENGL20B or ENGL20C
Ethnic Studies ETST 1
French FREN 101A
Gender and Sexuality Studies GSST 1
Germanic Studies GER 4
Global Studies GBST 1 or GBST 2
History HIST 10, 15, or 20
History/Administrative Studies HIST 10, 15, or 20, MATH 4
History/Law and Society HIST 10, 15, or 20, PHIL 7
Language LING 20
Latin American Studies LNST 1
Liberal Studies check with advisor
Linguistics LING 20
Media and Cultural Studies MCS 1
Music MUS 1 or MUS 30A
Music and Culture MUS 6/ANTH6 or MUS 8 or MUS 14
Native American Studies ETST 7
Neuroscience MATH 5, CHEM1A
Philosophy PHIL1 or PHIL 3
Philosophy/Law and Society PHIL 7 or LWSO 100 (need upper-division standing)
Political Science POSC 10 or 20
Political Science/Administrative Studies POSC 10 or 20, MATH4
Political Science/International Affairs POSC 20
Political Science/Law and Society POSC 10 or 20, PHIL 7
Political Science/Public Service POSC 10
Pre-Business/Business Administration BUS 10, MATH 4
Psychology PSYC 1 or PSYC 2
Psychology/Law and Society PSYC 1 or PSYC 2
Public Policy PBPL 1
Religious Studies RLST 5 or RLST 12
Russian Studies CPLT 15
Sociology SOC 1 or SOC 4, or SOC 5
Sociology/Administrative Studies SOC 1, BUS 10, BUS20
Sociology/Law and Society SOC 1, PHIL 7
Spanish SPN 101A or SPN 109A
Sustainability Studies GSST 001 or GSST 021
Theatre, Film, and Digital Production TFDP 100 or TFDP 109 or TFDP 101 or TFDP 102
  1. Go to the minor department for advice and signature on the Request to Declare/Drop a Minor form.
  2. Submit the form at the front desk in CHASS Student Academic Affairs, 3400 HMNSS.

(If the Minor is denied, a copy of the form will be mailed to the minor department, with whom you may consult. Otherwise, you may view your minor on the R'Web degree check within three weeks of submission of the Minor Declaration Form.)

For CHASS major declaring a CNAS/COE Minor*:

  1. Go to the Minor Department for advice and signature on the Request to Declare/Drop a Minor form.
  2. Submit the form to the CNAS Student Academic Affairs Office, 1223 Pierce Hall for the "Minor College" signature. Once they have signed the form, they will forward it to the CHASS Student Academic Affairs office for final approval.

(If the Minor is approved by both colleges, CHASS will input the minor on the system and it can be viewed on the R'Web degree check. If it is denied, a copy of the form will be mailed to the minor department with whom you may consult.)

For COE/CNAS majors declaring a CHASS Minor*:

  1. Go to the Minor Department for advice and signature on the Request to Declare/Drop a Minor form.
  2. Submit the form to the CHASS Student Academic Affairs Office, 3400 HMNSS for the "Minor College" signature. The form will then be forwarded by CHASS to CNAS/COE College Offices for their approval and input on the system. The minor can be viewed on the R'Web degree check.

* Note the process between colleges can take up to a month to process. (If you don't see the Minor on R'Web within one month, check with your college office [CNAS/COE].)

Policies for Minors :