Facility Rentals
Northside Independent School District makes school facilities available for use by non-profit community groups/organizations with first priority always given to the education of students.
Northside ISD and the taxpayers of this district have huge investments in the schools with the purpose of providing appropriate, attractive, functional, and safe facilities for students. All decisions in the use of the facilities are made with this in mind. Being a taxpayer or applying for facility use do not automatically guarantee the right to use a school. A process must be followed for consideration.
General Requirements
A responsible representative of a group or organization desiring to use a school facility shall submit a Request for Community Use of District Facilities Form to the Business and Financial Services Department at least two weeks prior to the desired date.
The items listed below are required for a contract approval for scheduling non-school events in Northside ISD facilities. Both items must be submitted via email to nisd.facilityrental@nisd.net. Any questions regarding this process can be directed to 210-397-8533.
- A completed Request for Community Use of District Facilities Form
- A copy of the organization's insurance policy in the name of the organization listing Northside ISD as additionally insured and/or the certificate holder
A copy of the Organization's Bodily Injury Liability and Property Damage Insurance Policies must be submitted to NISD at the time the contract is signed, and NISD shall have the right to approve or disapprove same.
Organization's right to use the Facility is expressly subject to NISD's approval of Organization's insurance policies including the carrier and the amount of coverage.
At a minimum, organization must carry bodily injury liability insurance in the amount of $300,000 per accident, and property damage insurance in the amount of $100,000 per occurrence.
The insurance policies shall name NISD as an additional insured; shall provide that any losses shall be payable notwithstanding any act or negligence of NISD or any other person; shall provide that the insurer shall have no right of subrogation against NISD; and shall be reasonably satisfactory to NISD in all other respects.
Rental Fees: Approved use of school facilities must be paid for at least one week in advance. Facility rental rates are subject to revision at any time. Fees shall be sufficient to recover all real costs to the District for the use of the facility.
Custodial Fees: When an activity requires custodial assistance beyond that normally available at the activity, the user organization shall arrange for such assistance with the administrator in charge of the facility. Custodians shall be paid at their overtime rate, plus mileage at the standard District rate when applicable.
NISD Police: If police are required, police officers may be scheduled through the office of the NISD Police Chief at their overtime rate plus mileage, when applicable. Only NISD Police Department may be contracted to work in NISD facilities.
General Guidelines
Northside I.S.D. School Board recognizes its stewardship to the community for the care and maintenance of all school properties and for ensuring that they best serve the primary purpose for which they are dedicated. To fulfill that responsibility, the Board adopts the following guidelines for community use of school facilities.
- The Board reserves the right to approve or deny requests for use of school facilities, to restrict the types of activities that may be conducted and the times at which they may be held, and to provide administrative procedures for consideration of such requests.
- School facilities may not be used for programs or activities that interfere more than incidentally with the instructional program; are deemed likely to damage school grounds, facilities, or equipment; are for the purpose of promoting any private, profit-making enterprise; or that violate community standards of decency.
- NISD enforces State laws and Board policies prohibiting the possession and use of alcohol and other controlled substances, tobacco, and weapons by any group using school facilities.
- Prohibited activities: Gambling, profane or offensive language, and fighting or any such disruptive behavior.
- Organizations using school facilities are responsible for any and all damage that occur to buildings or equipment while said organization has use of the facility.
- Membership of youth-oriented groups must be made up of at least 80% Northside ISD residents. Some exceptions may be made for official business partners of Northside ISD. See NISD Partnerships Website
- Athletic facilities are available only to youth-oriented groups.
- Facilities are not available to individuals.
- In unusual circumstances when other suitable facilities are not available, businesses may request the use of school facilities for student recitals or performances, employee training activities, and similar events, but not for commercial, profit-making activities.
Rules and regulations
Please read the following procedures carefully and make certain that all members of your group are familiar with them. Your cooperation will aid us in keeping the sites as safe and clean as possible. Failure to follow any of the rules listed below may result in termination of the contract.
- No alterations to facilities shall be made without prior written approval.
- All activities must be under competent, adult supervision at ALL TIMES and all
- participants are expected to be respectful and courteous at all times.
- Have players arrive and depart at the exact time of your schedule. Please end all
- practices on or before your scheduled time.
- Applicant using facilities shall be responsible for payment of any and all damages to
- building and equipment caused by self/patron and shall be responsible for any
- security/custodial charges accumulated as a direct result of this use.
- Siblings must not be left unsupervised while teams practice. Please inform parents of
- this school district rule.
- Upon arrival, the coach should inspect the condition of the gym and inform the
- custodian immediately of broken equipment, uncleanliness or any situation out of the
- ordinary .
- No black sole shoes should be allowed on gym floors.
- Do not try to adjust backboards or allow anyone to hang on the net or rim of basket.
- Children should not be allowed to play on equipment in the gym, or be allowed to
- remove any item from the teachers’ desk.
- No food or drinks are permitted in the gym. Water is allowed for players only.
- All properties are to be accounted for and left in good condition as received. Chairs,
- tables, podiums, etc. are to be put away IN THE CORRECT MANNER, IN THE
- Candles are not to be used in any meetings or services.
- Please do reasonable clean up after use.
- Requested time should allow for set up/clean up. It is up to the responsible party to
- assure that the requested time limits are adhered to.
- Coaches should notify the school principal when the team’s last practice is determined,
- depending on status in playoffs. Often campus custodians have had to change their work schedules to accommodate basketball practice and they may be anxious to return to normal. Please remember this courtesy.
- The District reserves the right to determine whether special custodial, security, or technical assistance is required during weekend use of the facility.
- Coaches are required to carry a copy of the contract at all times while using gymnasium. An administrator will check contracts periodically. Teams will not be allowed to practice, at any time, without a contract.