CRD Complaint (formerly a DFEH Complaint) – 5 Steps to Bringing a Successful One

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If you have been the victim of workplace discrimination or harassment in California, you can file a complaint with the Civil Rights Department (CRD). This office was formerly known as the California Department of Fair Employment and Housing (DFEH), so the filing is still referred to as a DFEH Complaint. 5 key steps to take to file a successful one are:

  1. figuring out if you have a valid claim,
  2. gathering evidence,
  3. determining whether the CRD is the best agency for your complaint,
  4. engaging with the investigation, and
  5. negotiating a satisfactory outcome or filing a lawsuit.

If you have an employment lawyer, he or she can help you take these steps.

1. Determine whether you have a valid claim

The Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA) is a civil rights law that forbids unlawful harassment, discrimination, and retaliation in the workplace. However, there are some situations where it will not cover your case, such as when:

For example, the FEHA only covers the following employers:

However, this does not include:

Additionally, you have 3 years from the date of the unlawful activity to file your DFEH complaint.[3] This is the statute of limitations. If you wait longer than that to file your complaint, it will be thrown out.

2. Gather evidence to support your claim

If you have a valid claim, the next step is to gather evidence that supports it. What evidence is relevant will depend on the claim, itself.

For example, if you are filing a claim of workplace discrimination, pertinent evidence may be: