2015 Scholars
- Jennifer I Manuel, PhD, MSW
- Joke Bradt, PhD
- Josiemer Mattei, PhD, MPH
- Justin Sanders, MD, MSc
- Linda Charmaran, PhD
- Nao Hagiwara, PhD
- Nynikka R. A. Palmer, DrPH, MPH
- Olayinka O. Shiyanbola, BPharm, PhD
- Sarah Ronis, MD, MPH
- Susan D. Brown, PhD
- Tara Lagu, MD, MPH
- Theresa Hoft, PhD
- Wynne E. Norton, PhD
- Yvonne Mensa-Wilmot, PhD, MPH
- A. Susana Ramírez, PhD, MPH
- Animesh Sabnis, MD, MSHS
- Autumn Kieber-Emmons, MD, MPH
- Benjamin Han, MD, MPH
- Brooke A. Levandowski, PhD, MPA
- Camille R. Quinn, PhD, AM, LCSW
- Justine Wu, MD, MPH
- Kelly Aschbrenner, PhD
- Kim N. Danforth, ScD, MPH
- Loreto Leiva, PhD
- Marie Brault, PhD
- Mary E. Cooley, PhD, RN, FAAN
- Meganne K. Masko, PhD, MT-BC/L
- PhuongThao D. Le, PhD, MPH
- Rebecca Lobb, ScD, MPH
- Allegra R. Gordon, ScD MPH
- Anita Misra-Hebert, MD MPH FACP
- Arden M. Morris, MD, MPH
- Caroline Silva, PhD
- Danielle Davidov, PhD
- Hans Oh, PhD
- J. Nicholas Dionne-Odom, PhD RN ACHPN
- Jacqueline Mogle, PhD
- Jammie Hopkins, DrPH, MS
- Joe Glass, PhD MSW
- Karen Whiteman, PhD MSW
- Katie Schultz, PhD MSW
- Rose Molina, MD
- Uriyoán Colón-Ramos, ScD MPA
- Andrew Riley, PhD
- Byron J. Powell, PhD, LCSW
- Carrie Nieman MD, MPH
- Charles R. Rogers, PhD, MPH, MS, CHES®
- Emily E. Haroz, PhD
- Jennifer Tsui, Ph.D., M.P.H.
- Jessica Magidson, PhD
- Katherine Sanchez, PhD, LCSW
- Kelly Doran, MD, MHS
- Kiara Alvarez, PhD
- LaPrincess C. Brewer, MD, MPH
- Melissa Radey, PhD, MA, MSSW
- Sophia L. Johnson, PharmD, MPH, PhD
- Supriya Gupta Mohile, MD, MS
- Virginia McKay, PhD
- Andrew Cohen, MD, PhD
- Angela Chen, PhD, PMHNP-BC, RN
- Christopher Salas-Wright, PhD, MSW
- Eliza Park MD, MS
- Jaime M. Hughes, PhD, MPH, MSW
- Johanne Eliacin, PhD, HSPP
- Lingrui Liu ScD MS
- Meaghan Kennedy, MD
- Nicole Stadnick, PhD, MPH
- Paula Aristizabal, MD
- Radhika Sundararajan, MD
- Sara Mamo, AuD, PhD
- Tullika Garg, MD MPH FACS
- Allison Magnuson, DO
- Ariel Williamson PhD, DBSM
- Benita Bamgbade, PharmD, PhD
- Christopher Woodrell MD
- Hung-Jui (Ray) Tan, MD, MSHPM
- Jasmine Abrams, PhD
- Jose Alejandro Rauh-Hain, MD
- Karen Flórez, DrPH, MPH
- Lavanya Vasudevan, PhD, MPH, CPH
- Maria Garcia, MD, MPH
- Robert Brady, PhD
- Saria Hassan, MD
- Scherezade Mama, DrPH
- Yuan Lu, ScD
- Cells-to-Society Courses
- Course/Section Numbers Explained
- 2021-2022
- 2022-2023
- 2023–2024
- 2024-2025
- The George G. Graham Lecture
A limited number of application fee waivers are available for applicants to the PhD in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology program, who are U.S. Citizens or Permanent Residents of the U.S. and meet additional eligibility criteria.
Applicants may request a fee waiver by emailing Erika Vaitekunas at erikav@jhu.edu with subject line “SOPHAS Fee Waiver for BMB.” Waivers must be requested by November 15, 2024. Please note: fee waivers must be issued before submitting your application. We cannot issue reimbursements for the application fee.
Applicants are Eligible for an Application Fee Waiver for Any of the Following:
- Documented financial hardship
- Attendance at a Vivien Thomas Scholars Initiative (VTSI)-eligible undergraduate institution (review list of eligible MSIs here )
- Application to the VTSI PhD program in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
- Participation in one of the following:
- Attendance at Annual Biomedical Research Conferences for Minority Students (ABRCMS)
- Attendance at Society for Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans in Science (SACNAS)
- HHMI Exceptional Research Opportunities Program (EXROP)
- AAAS Entry Point!
- Explore Hopkins (EHOP) Program
- GEM Fellowship Program
- Attendance at Neuroscience Outreach Program
- Johns Hopkins Basic Science Institute Summer Internship Program (BSI SIP)
- Johns Hopkins Biophysics Research for Baltimore Teens (BRBT / CSM)
- Johns Hopkins Centro SOL Programa de Verano para Jóvenes (Centro SOL)
- Johns Hopkins Doctoral Diversity Program (DDP)
- Johns Hopkins Foundation for Advanced Research in the Medical Services (FARMS)
- Johns Hopkins Generation Tomorrow: Summer Health Disparity Scholars Johns Hopkins Initiative for Careers in Science and Medicine (CSM)
- Johns Hopkins Institute for Computational Medicine (ICM)
- Johns Hopkins Neuroscience Scholars Program (JHNSP)
- Johns Hopkins Post-Baccalaureate Research Education Program(PREP)
- Johns Hopkins Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine Summer Internship Program (PCCM)
- Johns Hopkins Summer Academic Research Experience (SARE / CSM)
- Laureates and Leaders Program
- Leadership Alliance Summer Research Early Identification Program
- Medical Education Resources Initiative for Teens (MERIT Baltimore)
- Health Leadership Academy Meyerhoff Scholarship Program Minority Access Research Careers (MARC)
- Minority Biomedical Research Support Program (RISE)
- National Science Foundation Louis Stokes Alliances for Minority Participation program (LSAMP)
- NIGMS Post Baccalaureate Research Education Program
- Project 1000
- Ronald McNair Post Baccalaureate Achievement Program
- Rosetta Commons Research Experience for Undergraduates
- National Organization for the Professional Advancement of Black Chemists and Chemical Engineers (NOBCChe)
- National Society of Black Physicists (NSBP)
- National Society of Hispanic Physicists (NSHP)
- U.S. Military
- Yellow Ribbon Program