Ccis allegheny county application

Early Learning Resource Center Region 5

Early Learning Resource Center Region 5

Child Care Works

Child Care Works (CCW) makes it possible for low-income families to find reliable child care near their home or work and provides financial assistance to help them afford it. Through CCW funding, families have access to quality care programs that may otherwise be out of their reach.

Through the program, income-eligible families make a co-payment to their child’s early learning program in addition to the state subsidy that CCW provides. By serving children who receive a CCW subsidy, early learning programs and educators can provide quality experiences and environments to children whose families are experiencing financial and other constraints.

Early learning program COMPASS profiles will market that they accept families receiving CCW subsidy. Programs may also be included in the referral lists the ELRC Region 5 provides to prospective families.

Programs that enroll children receiving CCW subsidy may be eligible for the Keystone STARS subsidy add-on and additional Keystone STARS grants and awards.


The ELRC Region 5 administers subsidized child care payments to early learning programs and relative care providers who serve children receiving CCW subsidy. The service dollars to support CCW enrollments are paid via reimbursement based on monthly billing.

Early learning programs and relative care providers must submit a monthly attendance invoice to the ELRC that reports the attendance of enrolled, eligible children. Payment to all providers, except for in-home relative providers, is based on enrollment. For in-home relative providers, payment is based on actual days attended.

Attendance invoices are due to ELRC Region 5 by the fifth* calendar day of every month.

*Any invoices received by ELRC Region 5 after the fifth will be processed the following month.

Subsequent provider payments are scheduled to be direct deposited or mailed out on the 20th of each month. For direct deposit, a completed ACH form and a voided check must also be submitted. The ELRC Region 5 will not be able to issue a payment to you if you have not signed an ELRC Provider Agreement and W-9. These documents may also be e-mailed, faxed, or mailed to the contact information listed above.

Call 412.885.6831 to speak with an Accounting Assistant or 412.350.3577 and ask to speak to an Early Learning Program Engagement Specialist for more information.